
Welcome to my blog, I use this blog to document ideas or concepts I have learned or might be currently learning.

JSON:API Implementing Filtering

Introduction It has been over a year since I last wrote about JSON:API, since then the team behind JSON:API has published version 1.1 of the JSON:API specification. I would like to continue my journey of documenting JOSN:API in .NET by introducing a really cool feature to my Chinook JSON:API project, filtering. The first thing to know about filtering in JSON:API is that the spec itself is agnostic to any filtering strategies. Meaning it is up to you to define how filtering should be handled by your API. In my opinion, this has always been a drawback of the JSON:API spec, I believe in that it would have been a better choice for the spec if it had decided on a filtering strategy, but that is discussion for another day. While the spec does not favor any filtering strategy it does have some recommendations. ...

October 15, 2023 · Yunier

Circular Arrays

Most developers are familiar with the modulo opertor, it is often presented in an example that determines if a number is odd or even as shown in the code below taken from Testing whether a value is odd or even. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 function isEven(n) { return n % 2 == 0; } function isOdd(n) { return Math.abs(n % 2) == 1; } Determining if a number is odd or even is just one use case for the modulo operator. Another use case that I learn a while back is that you can use the modulo operator to set a range, a boundary if you will, allowing you to rotate the array, this is because fundamentally A mod B is between 0 and B - 1 or another way to think about it, 0 <= A < B. ...

August 11, 2023 · Yunier

Go - Multiple Return Values

I’ve been spending the last few weeks learning Go by reading Learning Go by Jon Bodner, so far I’ve been enjoying learning about Go, though there is still one thing I keep tripping over, in Go, you can return one or more values, for me Go is the first language that I have worked with that does that, in every other language I had to introduce a custom discriminating union to achieve what Go does natively. ...

August 1, 2023 · Yunier

Consul Service Mesh in Kubernetes - Part 1

Introduction I have been spending my last few weeks sharpening up my Kubernetes skills, one area that I focused on was how to enable and use a Service Mesh in Kubernetes. A service mesh is a layer in your infrastructure that enables control of inbound and outboard traffic. It controls the traffic of any app or service that uses the network. Kubernetes offers a wide range of Service Meshes, in this blog post I am going to concentrate on HashiCorp’s service mesh offering, Consul, though you may see other refer to it as Consul Connect, Consul Connect is a set of features that were added to Consul was in 2018 to enable service mesh support. ...

May 28, 2023 · Yunier

Rule Engines In .NET

Introduction I am working on a project that requires the usage of rules engines to enforce business rules, I am unsure if I should roll out my own custom implementation, probably a bad idea, or if I should use an existing project. To help me make a decision I will need to look at the current options for rules engines available in .NET, I need to understand their capabilities and limitations. In .NET the most well-known rules engine is probably NRules, the project has been around for some years and has good documentation. I also know that Microsoft created its own rules engine, RulesEngine back in 2019. Then per awesome-dotnet I could use Plastic or Peasy.NET but I opted out on looking at those projects, for my use case I think NRules or RulesEngine will do. ...

May 21, 2023 · Yunier