Preventing Invalid Assembly Dependencies

.NET makes it super simple to update the dependencies of a project. If you are following a solution structure like Clean Architecture where the Web project should not be referenced by the Core project or you have created your own solution structure that requires certain projects do not reference another project then you might need a way to avoid having developers incorrectly adding dependencies. The diagram above gives a high-level view of all project dependencies in a Clean Architecture solution....

March 12, 2022 · Yunier

Faster Web API Pagination

A few weeks ago I came across a blog post from Aaron Francis in which he talks about creating efficient pagination using deferred joins. A technique he remembered reading in High Performance MySQL: Proven Strategies for Operating at Scale. The idea is that without deferred joins pagination queries can impact response time. Pagination is done using an OFFSET to skip over a number of records, however, even though the results are skipped, the database must still fetch those records....

February 17, 2022 · Yunier

JSON:API - Pagination Links

It has been a while since I blogged about JSON:API. In my last post on JSON:API I covered how to create new resources. In today’s post, I want to go over how I expose pagination links. Pagination links allow a client to page through a collection of resources. A shift of control from the client back to the server. Here is an example of a possible JSON:API response that includes pagination links....

January 25, 2022 · Yunier

Microservice Generator

Over the last few years, our industry has moved away from monolith architectures to microservice architectures. For a good number of reasons, this trend continues to remain strong. One issue you may encounter with creating microservices if you are not using a monorepo is that you may have to build a new project whenever you need to add a new microservice to your app ecosystem. Creating a new project may include creating new repositories in Bitbucket/Github, configuring a continuous integration pipeline, adding build/deploy scripts, building the project based on some folder structure that has been determined by the team....

January 23, 2022 · Yunier

Tools For The Modern-Day Developer

Development tools are an essential part of our job, they make us work smarter not harder, they simplify processes and make us more productive. In this post, I want to share some tools that I have found over the years that have made my job easier. If you have a similar experience with a tool that is not listed here, then I would love you hear from you. Grepapp The first tool I want to talk about is the grepapp, this tool is becoming one of my favorite tools....

November 20, 2021 · Yunier