A few months ago I was looking for a new HTTP client to use within my applications. I first checked on awesome dotnet under the HTTP section to see what projects the .NET community is using instead of the default HTTP client. One that immediately stands out is RestSharp, this project has been around for a while and is overall a good choice, but I was looking for something new and fresh, that is when I came across Flurl.
Flurl, according to its own website, is a modern, fluent, asynchronous, testable, portable, buzzword-laden URL builder and HTTP client library for .NET. That is quite a statement to make, I wanted to see if Flurl held up to that statement by creating a few use cases to see how Flurl works and how it could be used.
To demonstrate, I will create a new console application on .NET 6, the app will use Flurl to make an API request, get the response, and serialize it to a JSON object. I also want to demonstrate how Flurl makes testing super easy using its fake HTTP mode.
First, creating the .NET 6 console app involves executing the following command in a terminal.
Now that I have my project, I need to add Flurl using the following commands.
Now I need an API that I can invoke with Flurl. This is when I like to use HTTPBin. HTTPBin is a simple request/response service, it allows you to test different aspects of the HTTP spec like headers, codes, statuses, and so on.
For my first HTTP request, I will use the Headers API, this API takes the headers from your request and returns them as the payload on the response as seen below.
Now that I know what the JSON payload will be I can use a tool like json2csharp to create a model that will bind to the API response. Quick note, if using Visual Studio, for a while now there has been an option under paste that creates a model from a JSON or XML payload. It is under Edit > Special Paste > JSON for JSON or Edit > Special Paste > XML for XML.
Using json2charp, the JSON payload above is converted into the following model.
Where Root is the top-level representation of the JSON document that is returned by HTTPBin.
Now that I have my response model, I can make the API request using the following code. Three lines of code are all that are needed to make an HTTP request to the endpoint https://httpbin.org/headers using Flurl.
Simple and super easy. The fluent style interface exposed by Flurl also provides methods to work with POST, PUT, DELETE, adding headers, and using authentication.
As for testing, it involves putting Flurl into test mode, this can be done using HttpTest class.
With Flurl in test mode, all requests and configurations can be faked and controlled giving you the ability to test complex scenarios. If you are using dependency injection and Flurl’s IFlurlClientFactory you are going to need to inject PerBaseUrlFlurlClientFactory or provide your own implementation of IFlurlClientFactory.
Error Handling
Error handling in Flurl is a bit different, the default behavior is to throw an exception on any calls that do not result in a status code that is in the 200 range. I like this behavior because it works great if you use an exception handling middleware that can take an exception thrown by Flurl and convert the exception into a problem details response.